Sunday 9 September 2012

Apple and Steve Jobs, A Relation of an Era

 1984 To 2010:

Steve Jobs quits his job at Atari and persuades Steve Wozniak to quit his job at Hewlett-Packard to start Apple Computer out of Jobs' garage. They launch the first Apple computer, the Apple l personal Computer kit, priced at $666.66.

Apple Computer is incorporated and the Apple ll is introduced.

In May, Apple lll is released, competing with IBM and Microsoft in business computing.

They released ''Lisa'' as the first personal computer sold to the public with the Graphics User Interface (GUI), its high price and limited software doomed Lisa to commercial failure.

On January 22, Apple launches the Macintosh with the Now-famous ''1984'' Ad, shown during Super Bowl XVIII. Strong sales lead the company to go public.

Fighting between Steve Jobs and Apple Computer CEO John Sculley, Jobs resigns from Apple and founds NeXT Inc.

Apple introduces the PowerBook portable computer. Significant increase in revenue.

Apple joins forces with IBM and Motorolla to create the PowerPC Reference Platform.

Apple CEO Gill Amelio decides to purchase NeXT and bring Jobs back to Apple as an adviser, Amelio is ousted and Jobs becomes interim CEO.

Apple introduces the all one iMac, designed by Jonathan Ive, sales put Apple in the Black for the first time since 1993.

Apple announced Mac OS X, and the iPod. Their first Apple retails stores open.

The iTunes store opens up online.

Apple announces it will integrate Intel Processors into Macs.

Apple announces that it has dropped ''Computer'' from its name and launches the iPhone and Apple TV.In May, Apple shares prices surpasses $100.

On July 11, Apple launches the App Store.

On January 14, Jobs takes a medical leaves of absence.


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